I can honestly not shower enough praise on Final Fantasy VI. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Terra who get's caught between the power struggle of a ruthless empire and a group of rebels. Terra is unique in that she is able to use magic and both sides seek to get her to fight for their side. I won't spoil the rest of the story for you but it really is quite fantastic.
One of the highlights of the game is the terrific cast of characters. From the mysterious Terra to the rogue-like Locke, to the honorable Cyan and the horrifically evil Kefka. Almost all of the characters undergo character development and none of them feel tacked on (aside from the few secret characters). Just like always, the music is tremendous and is filled with tons of memorable tracks and the game play is terrific. The game is long, filled with tons of memorable scenes and has several terrific systems. The Esper system allows for you to customize your characters with Espers that allow them to learn different spells and a relic system that allows you to customize your characters in even more ways.
Final Fantasy VI is a game that's not to be missed. It mixes top quality rpg game play, customization, music and story to create a experience that is second to none. The game boy advance remake adds on some additional content that makes the experience even more memorable. Buy this game!