A classic that is brought back for a new generation of gamers. This is the game that RPG fans should play.
Let's start off with the Pros and Cons.
- excellent compelling story with plenty of memerable scenes
- a large cast of detailed characters with plenty of personality
- good art design
- music is classic and memberable
- Kefka is the most psychotic villain ever
- lengthy
- random battles occur too often
- the difficulty of bosses can be either too easy or too hard, but they are still cool
Gameplay: The game plays like the rest of the Final Fantasy games prior to VI, except for the job system, and the addition of many more customizable options. This won't be detailed, because you have most likely played a game like this before. Fight monsters, explore, level up. Simple, no? It isn't too difficult to grasp the concept of this gameplay type, and the difficulty shouldn't be too hard for anybody to bear with.
Story: The story in this game is a real winner. It might not be the most original story, but it has plenty of awesome twists and turns through out, and excellent dialogue. The scenes in this game are memerable from the Opera House, to esper encounters, to the end of the game. This game, for being a 2D game, has more memerable scenes than any other Final Fantasy game. Characters in this game are pretty detailed with their backstories as well, making them more likable and personal to play. The game's story is by no means for a little kid, but it isn't necessaily of horror or macabre.
Graphics: The graphics in this game are old hat. They have been updated for the PS1, but then squished down for the GBA. THe art design is nice, and while the graphics are 2D and look old, I still give kudos given the time they were originally done.
Music: What could be said for the music. It probably isn't the best score, but the music is more memerable than a good majority of the RPGs out there. The music from the opera house and "Dancing Mad" were well composed. Only thing hindering this game from having a higher score in the music department is the poor sound quality. However that is given to the limitations of the technology on the SNES system.
Overall I would say this is a must for any RPG fan to play. It still holds up to be an excellent game, but in 5 years, who knows what time would have in store for this classic.