Not even time can bury this game...
User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VI SNES
This game just passed it's 13th anniversary in the states and it's still reigns to many as either the best in the series or the best RPG ever made. That says A LOT given how far games and RPGs themselves have advanced since 1994. While this is not my favorite in the series (that award goes to X) it drives a hard second place position... it's very hard to find a legitimate flaw anywhere in the game. The soundtrack ranks amongst the best VG soundtracks ever, the characters are all memorable and will stick with you for a very long time. Visually this is these are the best graphics you can get from SNES and if you look at them and then play FFVII you will see they're actually more clear and crisp. Game-play? well not much to say... addicting as ever, a very well defined system. The story is the true heart and soul of this game though. It's extremely dark, epic, exciting, adventurous, the list goes on. I would say this is probably the most mature and overall dark game in the series. It deals with very serious concepts and delivers them in a very real way (aside from the magic concept that runs throughout basically all RPGs). You want an evil villain? boy this game will give you that and then some. He is by far the best villain of any game I have ever played... not to mention most successful.
This game is still being played today by people who have never played it or by people who have played it over 20 times. To the mainstream this game is pretty underground (surprisingly) for the most part, but ask anyone who has played this game it is one of the rare artifacts in history that can not die. Most people think of FFVII as the best FF, or think of Cloud and Sephiroth when they hear the words Final Fantasy. Well, this is the game people should think of when hearing the words FF. This is a far superior game to most if not all other FFs (I just have an emotional attachment to X). In the end this game needs to be played by all who are exposed to it's existence.