Best of the Classics!
User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy VI PS
Final Fantasy 6 is without a doubt my favourite from the oldies. Just slightly more than Final Fantasy 4 which i also love. I think the characters in this game are really amazing and they are all so unique too. Its sometimes pretty hard to decide on one main party because of this! I cant even name a favourite actually. Along with the amazing characters we have probably the best villain ever.. Kefka! (move along Sephiroth) You have to play to see why he is so awesome. Final Fantasy 6 is the only Final Fantasy to have so many Summons (Espers) and the Espers actually have a larger purpose in this game rather than just summoning. Each Esper can be equipped to a character and the character can then learn spells from the Esper. Each spell has a transfer rate for example Fire x 5 you will receive 5 AP for each AP you receive in battle. Its simple and you can have any character learning any spell you want. As i said earlier each character is unique and thats what i love abut this game. Edgar has his own Tools to use in battle like the Autocrossbow that hits all enemies or the Drill. Sabin uses Blitz moves by inputting a command on the d pad. Terra can morph into a pink being doubling her attack/magic. Shadow can throw weapons and many many more abilities. The other thing characters can have are Relics these items are like accessories that protect against status ailments or boost stats. Music in this game is really good as are the animations on the characters. The PS version has some FMV added which is really awesome and a Bestiary of all enemys you have defeated which is pretty neat. The difficulty of the game id say is just right but it can be hard here and there. Overall a Highly Addictive game and one many FF fans will enjoy :)