A powerful story that many missed, now you no excuse to pass up this gem

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy VI Advance GBA
It might have taken years and years but it's finally here, THE RPG to own if you have a GBA or DS

This game is unlike any other FF, in the sense it doesn't really have a main role...more like a main cast, in this FF...everyone matters and plays a big role in the story, and it works pefect. This entrie in the series is honestly...pretty dark, about half way through the story...something happens, something MAJOR and honestly, it isn't what most FF's or RPG's in fact would do so early on...you get this feeling of...everything is so hopless...

This game also has a REAL EVIL Villain...NOT some pissed off/misunderstood person...but this one is REAL EVIL...and might i also add one of the best in the series, a twisted soul who has nothing on his mind but, power, death, and more power...he really is a bit disturbing.

Overall the story of this game is HUGE, one of the longest FF's, though it kinda lacks in side quests, all the Espers you have to collect, as well as the main story it's self, you should get a good 50 or so hours out of it.

The music in this game is some of the best in the series, it goes from beautiful opera (which i dont like opera but i do like this), to sad, tragic songs...this game covers all the bases, also the sound effects in the game are really fun, though the music while flying the air ship...are a bit...umm...well, im not the biggest fan, but it doesn't drag the game down for me any at all.

The muisc/sound of this game...really shows off the greatness of yesteryear, where games had more of a simple type of sound, but it's all they needed to be great...the golden age of gaming indeed

This game has very simple graphics...but for a handheld, they are pretty damn good, also they are good enough so the graphic junkys will be able to play with little to be pissy over, they look like a end of the line SNES game, which is pretty good for the GBA.

The gameplay in here is some of the best in any FF game, i can play this game for hours upon hours, one of the best things is the power to give differant people differant espers, which you will learn diffrant spells, depending on which esper you have at the moment, also this game can be a bit tricky in the leveling up side, near the end of the game it really feels pretty hard to gain those top levels, just like it should be

Overall, FFVI is a game that noone should pass up, and the people who have played and loved VI need to pick this copy up for the few new added things, nothing too big..but enough to keep you happy, and just the fact that you can now take it on the go?...yeah this game is going to replace all my other DS/GBA games for a VERY long time