Great game, hard to get
In my opinion this is the best out of the Final Fantasy series probally because it was the first RPG I played. I was a fan after this game on SNES.
So the ratings I give from Best to Worse I player are : FF 6(3), 7, 10, 12, 9, 1,
and 2 and 8 kinda tie for worst ones. I hate how boring the 2 one is and I hate that u have to capture magic from opponents in 8.
Graphics are great in this game. The Music is probally the best I heard from game boy games. I think this game shows off the best qualities of the GBA. Worth the hassle to get it, but they should send more units out.
Now I'm just dreaming that Crono Trigger DS will be made, they could make cool Leene's Square Fair?? mini-games. Also if they beefed up the graphics and made the 2 or 3 person techniques cool looking it would be a great game.
EDIT: Wouldn't you know it after all this work getting it, my DS got stolen with the game in it lol.