FFVI game boy advance= top 5 best games ever

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VI Advance GBA
Final Fantasy seven for the gba is one of my top 5 all-time favorite games. There is nothing to not like about this game especially if you are a fan of the series. What i first noticed about this game is the large world map which is all for you to explore eventually. Another great thing is that you do not have to do any of the story or side quests in any particular order. Just go as you will... Another great feature are the espers. Espers are what teach your characters magic. Every character (except Umaro, GoGo, Strago, and his grand daughter) can learn magic. Now there are many espers in the game and the main story will probably get you roughly half of them. It is up to you to go out in search of the other half. This gives this already long game more to sink your teeth. As the story progresses more and more characters will join your party. Like the espers, many you have to go out and search for. They are everywhere: from castles to in the bellies of enemies... The story is about a world where magic (espers) are no more besides a select few. It focuses around a young women: Terra. The game is set up into two large segments. First, the World of Balance. Here, everything is peaceful and life is normal. Then comes the World of Ruin (ruin is a very key word). As to not spoil anything I won't say too much. Just that you have formed a very decent party and BAM, there gone. Everyone is split up and you have to travel around to find them among other new characters. This rpg classic first came out on the NES known as Final Fantasy 3. Do not miss it this time around on the gba. If there are any questions, I am sure I can help.