Great movie to continue the franchise.... but....
It starts off with Cloud Strife checking his messages on this cell phone, some of Tifa, one of Barrets, and etc. Soon after he meets 3 brothers who claim to be sons of Jenova. They also call him their older brother. So it goes off, the 3 brothers trying to destroy the earth so the lifestream can be set free, etc. etc.
Story - 7
For Final Fantasy... this story has already been used, so its kind of recycled, but Sephi comes back, so no complaining there. And if you haven't played FF7 before, this movie is hard to get into...
Graphics - 9
One of the best anime movies I have ever seen, graphics-wise. If you remember playing the original game on the Playstation, or on your PC, then you will only say 'WOW'.
Rewatching value - 6
By the tenth time you watched this movie, you'd wish they made a sequel. But it will never happen.
Overall - 7.5
Its hard for non-fans to like it, but the hi-polygon renderings are so amazing.... its just amazing, and you just leave off wondering 'What if they remake the game like that.... HOLY CRAP I WOULD BUY THAT.' I would buy the PSP version over the DVD because it is so DAMN expense! So have fun!