A true FF style 'reunion' * PLOT SPOILERS*
Though only 1.5 hours long, Advent Children is a must have for any FFVII fan. Though action movie lovers will also enjoy it, its those who have played and completed FFVII previousely who will get the most from FFVII: Advent Children.
Set one year after Cloud and co. defeated Sephiroth and brought down the Shinra corporation, Advent Children continues the landmark RPG's story.
A mysterious disease known as Geostigma has begun infecting the worlds population, a disease which seems to have no known cure.
The remains of the Shinra Corporation, consisting of President Rufus and the Turks, are trying to repay their 'debt' to the world by preventing Kadaj and his brothers from obtaining Jenovas cells, thus stopping their reunion from occuring.
However Kadaj and his gang target Cloud, the black sheep of their family, which leads to two spectacular bike chases, as well as numerous other fights.
All of the FFVII gang return, though for the most part it is Cloud, Tifa and Vincent as well as Reno and Rude who see the most combat. However the whole team get a part in fighting Bahumat Sin, summoned by Kadaj.
The movie includes many aspects first seen in FFVII, including various materias and limit breaks.
The story is good, but not on the games level of detail, and for the most part it acts as a mean to get from fight scene to fight scene.
However this is by no means a bad thing, as the fight senes are nothing short of awesome.
There are even moments of humour presented mostly by Reno, which acts as a light relief.
The music is superb in Advent Children, and includes favourites from the original game. The English voic overs aren't bad either, especially Kadaj's, who sounds like the nut case he is.
However any FFVII fan watching Advent Children will know that the events are building up to the return of Sephiroth, which leads to the most spectacular fight of the movie, which plays along to the one winged angel theme.
Of couse it just wouldn' FFVII without Cloud omnislashing his bitter rival, Sephiroth, in the grand finale.
Overall this is my favourite movie, and a must see for all FF fans. It certainly makes up for the disappointing spirits within.