I haven't seen the English yet, but if they didn't do too bad on the subs, you must buy this movie.. Amazing FFVII spin.
Total retribution of the whole Spirits Within crap..
Anyway, here goes the review..
Graphics: Amazing stuff Square.. At times, it seemed so realistic.. Incredible job.. Not to spoil any story elements, but the visuals of the characters show how much they put into the movie..
Sound: The Japanese sounds are really great.. The guys in this one seem to really mean what they are saying in the voices. The background sounds and music and incredibly similar to FFVII, which is a great complement!
Story: The story is absolutely awesome.. FFVII fans pick this up!!! So great.. The game has a nice twist and leaves you wondering about some things towards the end. Leaves good room for a FFVII sequel game.. :o
Value: This movie is a great buy.. Through the whole movie I was in awe at the stuff I saw and heard.. Amazing value for a movie to have.. If this was in theatres it would be an amazing hit..
I say amazing alot.. Need to work on my adjectives... :)
Til next time: