Lived up to the hype
But this movie actually lives up to the hype, no really it does, The Story of Advent Children takes place 2 years after FFVII. A non-contagious disease due to jenova cells called Geostigma is spreading across the planet, and three new enemies, Kadaj, Los and Yazoo, are after a person called "Mother." And the search for Mother springs a battle between Cloud and Kadaj. Everyone in Final Fantasy VII have been Resurrected from the gaming dead and have oxygenated with the breath of life, yes that means Aerith. There's Cloud, Aerith, Tifa,and the granddaddy of all enemies, Sephiroth, yep
Cloud is gonna be pretty pissed to see that the guy he killed for killing his girlfriend Aerith for revenge alive and walking with a grudge on his mind for
Cloud. And to make matters worse for Cloud and the others, he not only has to deal with Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, AND sephiroth, but a three hundred foot monster named Bahamut Sin. There is no doubt, this movie is the best thing that ever happened to the PSP and it's movies since it came out. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children may have taken Sony and Square Enix three years to make and release, but trust me, it was all worth the long wait.