HOW DO I SAVE MY GAME? No menu or anything. No equipment upgrades. This game stunk, it had nothing, it like a long cutscene followed by a combat sequence that I had no idea what to do. Darn, why is it so impossible to figure out, not even a manual. It also seems to work for PC, Xbox ,and PS2, weird....
But the graphics omg. How did my Ps2 and Xbox pull it off, I have no idea. NOT SO MUCH AS ONE LAG SPIKE. I'd say for a game it sux but it could have been so much better if they made it a movie, being a movie would make it so awesome.
Yeah, if I look at it from a movie standpoint, it was awesome. Good story there, and the action was good, plus a "certain person" makes his appearence so that's all good. Get this movie if your into FF7, seriously. it's such a enjoyable movie, I just ENJOYED it.