Astounding...simply astounding. You can enjoy even if you don't have ff7!

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children PSP
This is not only the greatest CG movie ever made, it is one of th best movies ever made period. The story is immersive and interesting. Many say that if you haven't played FF7 you cant enjoy it. Not True! I have never played it. I just looked up the story on google and found a great summary at the ff7 wikibooks site. Combat in this movie is thrilling and unique. Vincent is awesome in all his gun slinging, bullet-timing, vampiric glory. Cloud is actually cool. Believe it or not, they actually managed to make his stupid anime hair style look cool. Barret has a sweet updated gun-arm. Yazoo has gunblades(final fantasy 8 anyone?) and Kadaj has a pretty cool double sword. It is confusing at times, but it is by far worth it.