Such a very very very good movie!
I went to go buy this DVD last Friday and I have watched it twice everyday since then.
Seeing these characters again was such a great feeling. The first RPG that I played was Final Fantasy VII and it changed the style of games and the way that I see games for the rest of my life!
The opening action scene is among the most tame but still surprised me from the get go. The animation is THE BEST that you will come into contact with. Its so detailed and refined that you swear you were watching a live action film.
The characters are represented very well in their attitude and in their rendering to this quality of animation. The villains in this movie are very good as well. There are some clichés but what movie doesn’t have those.
A scene, possibly two I could do without, but those scenes are no longer than 1 or 2 minutes. I would like to have seen some more of the other characters from the game to have been more involved with the story but I could understand why they didn’t.
The music is pretty good. In some scenes its completely perfect and in some it’s a little off. The rock and orchestra score can get a little too “gamey” for me but everyone is different, thank God.
The action and story do nothing but evolve. If you disliked the first FF movie do not stray away from this one. Especially if you played the FF VII game. Stop what you are doing, sell your body or whatever else you have to do to get enough to buy this DVD.