Nearly a perfect mix of the old FFVII that we all remember and current 3D comupter graphic technology.....
Even if you have never played the original game, you owe to yourself to check this movie out. And while your at it, go pick up a copy of the game!!
This movie has some flaws though, as Cloud comes across as too strong or too ambitious. Summons are non-existent and the other party members appear all too briefly. At times I enjopyed the FFVII Reminisence that is a bonus feature, more than this movie. Nevertheless, even though this falls just short of being a masterpiece, Advent Children is definitely a must-own for any RPG fan and a great starting point for an FFVII Revival. We're only left to wait and hope that the PS3 Tech Demo becomes a full-on remake. Starting sending letters to Squenix now.