Excellent! The ending was a little austere, but that's the way FF7 originally wasy anyway.
The beginning truly sent chills down my spine... That music! I LOVE that music! Thank you Nobuo Uematsu for coming back and rearranging some of your excellent music for this film... It truly left me craving more.
The story itself is rather interesting, mostly centering around Tifa and Cloud - with all of the other favorites making an appearance too; unfortunately the storyline was mostly focused on the fighting sequnces, which detracted from the enjoyment of the story. (Cloud + Motorcycle = Cool, but overused... We *know* he already did that... *Plays Crazy Motorcycle*)
Even though the ending was extremely austere and strange, the whole story from Final Fantasy VII was a bit austere really... So I suppose that fits perfectly.
An excellent addition in the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" material! Gimme more!