AHHH! At long last, it is here!!! Whoa... hang on a minute... thats not good...
Right, now thats over, on to the good bits. WOW!!! I showed a couple of screenshots to my dad (a computer expert, by the way), and he said: "So, they made it live action, did they?" That's how good the graphics are. Nuff said.
Back to the sound. Apart from the voices, the music is real quality. Updated music from the game is brilliant, the same as the bad quality MIDI's from the game, but, well, better. A lot. Rock music supplied by the mighty Black Mages, of course. What? Who? Whaddaya mean, WHO?! They're a Japanese rock band, dedicated to Final Fantasy. Their version of Those Who Fight Further (The FFVII boss music) is amazing! Oh, and Nobeu Uematsu is the keyboard player. I know i don't need to introduce HIM!
Right, battles. Jebus. That is all i'm saying. Oh flipping JEBUS.
Value? Stop asking me, jus frikkin BUY IT!!!
Well, that's it. So what if i'm predjudiced? I know my stuff! I admitted the voices are crap, didn't I?!
(And yes, I really have watched it that much.)