(Japanese version) If you liked FFVII, and are hungry for more, you might want to check this out.
Since this is a film, this dosn't count.
Absolutely fantastic! The detail is incredible! These sort of graphics are about as impressive as FFX's graphics when it first came out. There is no doubt that this is best the main characters have ever looked, but, considering FFVII's age, that's not hard to do.
A pleasing musical score which will likely please the fans of the original. The Japanese voice actors all do the old- and new- characters more than enough justice.
Value: Quite a good film which I think will be worth any FFVII fan's money.
A film worthy of the name Final Fantasy VII. Any fan wanting more of FFVIi's rich story will certainly find a stable and intriguing story here. Those new to FFVII, however, should PLAY THE GAME FIRST! I cannot stress this enough.
This is a fun film to watch, and I can recommend it to any fan of FFVII with a clear conscience.