After waiting for this movie for quite awhile, it has arrived
FFVII:AC Is the second (and the best) movie to be based off Final Fantasy. With all it's awesome animation and action-packed fight scenes the question remains. Is this movie eye candy, or actually worth watching? If you haven't been able to guess by my rating, the answer is yes, it's worth watching and I'm about to tell you why.
Graphics: The graphics look absolutely amazing, but they are not what makes up a movie so I'll keep this section short. This movie is a scrape with realism as everything is soooooo detailed, from every strand of hair to all the cool enviorments, they did an amazing job.
Script: This movie has a pretty good script excluding the most annoying line EVER "dilly dally, schilly shally" I mean, what does that mean!? Oh well, anyways, I was actually surprised to hear that this movie was only 90 min. long, but they still did a good job for just that much time. It could have been longer but, oh well. It's well written and provides many twists and surprises for it's audience.
Sound: The voiceacting was very well done, even though it was just dubbing. They got a good cast for it and with that, how can you go wrong? The music was basically a lot of metal for the fight scenes, and it had some instrumentals too. But one or two of the musical pieces did not fit in this movie at all. But overall they did a great job with the sound.
Direction: This movie had a unique style to it. The director didn't use any of the same old angles that we all have seen before. He was original! kudos to that!!! I think he had the placing of characters and everything else down pretty much. So yea, he did a good job.
FFVII:AC is overall a good movie. It lacks at points but is still worth a watch if you don't just go out and buy it. Oh, and a word to the people who haven't played/beaten FFVII on the PS, their is an option on the main menu of the DVD, I don't remember what it's called, but watch that before you watch the movie because it will catch you up on the events of the game, thus less confusion. Well that's it :) Final Score: 8.5/10