This movie is fantastic, its awesome seeing all my favorite characters in CGI Animation, Sephirhoth looked awesome! This movie is based like a few years after the whole Jenova and Sephirhoth incident, evryone has gone of to live their own lives. But their is a dissease called Geo-Stigma, and its infecting a lot of people and thers no cure for it. Among the infected is are favorite Buster Sword Master, Cloud. Cloud, Tifa and other take on the forces of evil that wish to bring back Sephihoth and Jenova to try and destroy the planet again, these evil forces are led by Kadaj. Hes young and violent and will do anything for his mother (Jenova). This movie is filled with awesome fight scenes, awesome CGI animation, and fantastic music. It is a must own for every single Final Fantasy Fan!
Other Helpful Reviews for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
We all know how successfull Final Fantasy VII on the Playstation was. Up to this day many people still hoping for a sequel of the game. But instead of that Square made this movie. Just think this is the fourth disc of Fi... Read Full Review
So, yes this isn't a video game. It's a movie, so for the gameplay score, switch that of how well I liked the movie, as in like how fun it was to watch, etc. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is the sequel to the hi... Read Full Review