I'd like to point out that I really thought SE had nailed it, until I saw the end of the game =/. So SE had to change the combat system? Ok, I am good with that, they did a great job. So SE had to split into episodes because they wanted to give more depth to Midgar? Ok, I am good with that, Midgar seems amazing and they've given a lot of depth to some secondary characters. But WHY? Why SE had to totally change the story??? FF7 is one of the FF's with the strongest stories in the role series. SE had plenty of characters to create more content related to Shinra and keep this fight against Shinra but NO, instead they decided to turn this into a fight against the Destiny, seriously? The Destiny? You keep the role game fighting Shinra and then in the very end you simple start to fight Sephiroth, Jenova and The Destiny for no real motivation. FF7 is now the new Kingdom Hearts series, and the end set the stage so now they can do whatever they want with the story, thank you again Nomura.
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