Way To Be Bold, Square Enix

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4

Warning: Spoilers

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Fans have been waiting for this game for a long time. People wanted a straight recreation of what was originally presented in 1997 but with new graphics. What we got was a tongue-in-cheek remake/sequel hybrid and I love it.

The game itself is incredibly fun. The combat system is smooth and enjoyable yet complex. It incorporates the old materia system into something fresh and I'd argue it's the best combat system we have ever seen in a Final Fantasy game. The characters are brought to life with stunning visuals and good voice acting that can be a little cheesy at times but very much in line with an anime-like style. I agree that there are parts of the game that drag on a bit too long but at the same time, people waited for this for years and what they got was tons of content. As such, the story doesn't play out in an ideally efficient and smooth manner, but the original was the same way!

Now to the story: I just love that Square Enix took it in this direction. They obviously wanted to expand on the universe and create a surprise that would be both nostalgic but also breathe new life into the franchise. The idea of alternate timelines are floating around a lot lately in movie narratives but it's still an interesting idea. I'll admit, it was a bit hard to follow just what the heck was going on during the ending at first playthrough, but I ultimately don't mind the Kingdom Heartsy tone.

My hat is off to Square Enix for not just succumbing to the fanboys/girls's demands. It's quite a bold move to forge an unexpected path for one of the most popular games of all time. All the more reason why I love the title: Remake - they're redoing this story, and I can't wait to see what comes next.