This game is outstanding

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy VII PS
This game is outstanding, from start to finish. I wanted to do a review 3 years ago but couldnt get one in, anyway....

The Good:
The story is done pretty well, with an outstanding and fascinating "Bad guy" Sephiroth and Cloud, who pretty much has a mental breakdown when he finds out the truth...Aerith was my favorite charachter in the game, her and sepheroth.

I liked the Materia's simple and you can get some really cool combos going, unlike the disastorous FFVIII

Graphics were well done, considering the time (9 years ago)

Soundtrack was well done

I enjoyed the side games


Some bad dialouge

gramatical errors

some of the soundtrack is very annoying

too many loose ends at the end of the game

Getting to the last boss and realizing you have no ribbons!