I give Final Fantasy a TEN!!! Could be the best game ever made for the playstation one. On the top ten of games ever made. Begins as a rebellion against an evil corporation became so much more. And what comes from it erupts into much more. Cloud the main character in the game was once part of the corporation, he was a soldier. Now he is a mercenary who will take any job. After he is hired by Avalanche, he gradually gets caught up in a massive fight to help the planets life. He is equipped with a gigantic sword that can cut almost anything into two. During the game you will encounter friends and other important characters in the story. however depending on how you decide to play you may not be able to befriend some of these people. This 3d platform role playing game is full of surprises. best graphics of its time, shops: weapon shop, item shop, accessory shop, materia shop. and Inns to rest up in. there are event games, or mini games like I like to call them.
Final Fantasy VII is called the greatest Final Fantasy game and one of the best in the world. I completely agree. This game's story, graphics (for its time), gameplay and sound are some of the best ever to grace a consol... Read Full Review
(This review was made September 2004 for GameFAQs but it was too long that's why it was not posted there. Thank you GameSpot for posting this review, although it is not compatible with your rating system :P ) THANK YO... Read Full Review