Greatest Game Ever Made? Most likely.
FF7 is a prime example of how graphics AREN'T the reason games are so fun to play...or at least weren't.
From beginning to end, Final Fantasy 7 is a beautiful masterpiece with a deep story and magnificent gameplay.
(for some reason, I'm going to write all of this in past-tense)
The darkest Final Fantasy, this has transvestites, prostitutes, homosexuals, sarcasm, and swearing. Sprinkled with humour here and there, no other Final Fantasy (or any other Square Enix game, for that matter) has come close. I have laughed at the humour many times (the majority of it being due Barret and Cloud), felt anger at the villains, and felt sadness...well, at the sad scenes.
Though not a big fan of turn-based fighting, I loved Final Fantasy 7's battles. Each and every battle was major fun. Sometimes the random battles occurred a little too much (I actually manged to activate one when I moved Cloud's leg), but it didn't take anything from the gameplay.
The bosses themselves were fun, imaginative, and not too hard, though two killed me countless times (one being due to not know what to do).
Aside from doing the main story, you can play assorted mini-games.
Snowboarding, arcade games, chocobo racing, and more.
Equipping materia was a blast. From healing to turning people into frogs, the materia was very creative and fun.
Equipping weapons and accessories was fun, as well. I loved seeing the weapons change.
The funnest time I had was riding a motorcycle. MAJOR FUN!
Don't want to run to a place? Why not use a submarine, plane, chocobo, or vehicle? You can freely move around with all of them.
You'd think that after 10 years a music on an old system would probably sound...really bad. FF7 proves that to be wrong. Each and every song is beautiful (it's the main reason I started a new game last night!). I love bopping along to the fast battle beats.
I still love the sounds. Maybe it was because I've been playing it for years, but I enjoy each and every sound. Especially the menu ones.
Well, it's PlayStation 1. Even so, the graphics still hold up quite well. Most notably the battles. The cut scenes are amazing; especially when it switches to them as you are running around (meaning you can run around in cut scene graphics). Playing on the PlayStation 2 or the PlayStation 3 (can't use analog) is highly suggested ; you can smooth the graphics.
Having three discs, Final Fantasy 7 is a long game even if you run through it. It takes me around 40-50 hours to beat. Taking your time is more rewarding.
Though sometimes I get stuck, or the enemies are very tough, it's actually just right.
In the age of next-gen, PS games are easily forgotten. Yet don't let the graphics fool you (even though they aren't bad), Final Fantasy VII is a rewarding experience from beginning to end, and something you'll remember for a long, long time.