User Rating: 8.8 | Final Fantasy VII PS
I trust that Trigun gut down there (rated it 8.7) The graphics suck but in 1997 they were great, and loved the same way as FF X.But the only thing I like about this game is the 3 cd component.It gives you that feeling that it's going to take a long time to beat this game.I didn't beat it the first cd yet (which is 29 hours). I jus can't wait till I find sephroth and fight him.Well enuogh of this small talk.I gotta begin this review! The graphics suck even some of the CG sequnces make people STILL!!! look like little children!That is enother problem about the graphics,ONE MOWA THANG! (like jackie chan adventures) there is ALOT of picsoulation in this game but MAN! It was 1997,if they wanted to make graphics like these days.They would be the best graphics of ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!But they would need to pay lots of money to get those kind of graphics. The game plays preaty well.I like the combat sysyem in this game,Its top notch and the magic system (which every one calles the matriea grid) is great, jus like the sphere grid but a little differnt because you don't need to have spheres and moving points. I really like the sound music in this game (kinda) but, the sound efects are bad like fire.The sound of fire sounds like 1984 sound efects ,but square couldn't pull that off but thats ok.The voice wrighting is great but has alot of cussing (GRRRRRRRR THAT BARRET) ANY WAY!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesthe voice acting is great,and uhhhhh yes!The sound is well done! If your an RPG fan your going to have fun with this game ALOT!It's long,fun,and has a great story.When you buy this game......Injoy