This game is the reason why I played RPG

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VII PS
I remember me and my friends gathering in their houses and watching them play Final Fanbtasy 7. I remember telling myself, what the hell, I don't understand the game and I can't comprehend why my friends are playing it.

But because it was being played by my friends, I said I'd learn how this is played so that I wouldn't be out of the loop with them.

At the very first boss, I kept on dying. I was so frustrated that I almost gave up. But then I didn't, I mean, I used my saved-up money so I knew I had to like this by hook or by crook.

Little did I realize that upon learning the intricacies of a role-playing game, I would be hooked for life.I can't remember being visually stimulated by a game before FF 7 came out.

I was a newbie gamer then and all I appreciated was just sports and action games. The storyline was absolutely amazing. It had all the elements of a hollywood movie.

By now almost all of us know what happened in the game. Barret was my favorite character. This tough guy had a big heart and his distrust for Cloud (for me), only shows how much he cared about the people he is with.