Best game ever.
We'll take one step at a time. Gameplay. For RPG-lovers, it was brilliant. Of course, we have much more advance gameplay today, and also back then, but this was still innovative, and easy to use. The turn-based fights will probably bore those who are into non-stop action, but for rest of us, it's all good. The materia system was also a genius idea, making for some cool combinations of support and magic materia. Leveling them up and getting cool magic spells (or money =P) really added to the greatness of this game.
Today, the graphics of FFVII would SUCK! But back then, it was the closest to reality. Especially the sequences, where the PS was almost overheating. ^_~
Still, it wqas quite funny seeing the weird square-like Cloud when walking around, turning into a life-like hman when in battle.
Ahhh... Those Who Fight Further. The soundtrack of Final Fantasy VII is still one of the best, and for long time THE best. Today, many people still listens to the soundtrack, and those redone by The Black Mages. Nobuo Uematsu sure rocks... ^_^
And this is a game that will never wear you out. I never grow tired of this game, and each time, I seem to have noticed something new. The storyline of this game in a work of a genius. It's like reading a book or seeing a movie. It really suck you into their world, and you really see tham as real people with real problems.
But no matter how hard I try, I cannot say anything to do this game justice. Just play it and you'll see. =)