I pity fans of role playing games with out this one in there collection if you don’t have it go out and buy it now it is worth it even for today’s standards I know it does not look as pretty as games today on the ps3 and xbox360 but it still has the best story line for any game I’ve ever played. Every character on this game will leave you entertained from bad guys to good guys there are a lot of spells to have fun with and a lot of monsters to summon to wipe away you’re foes and on top of all that there are many weapon upgrades for each character the story line follows cloud an ex soldier who has joined a rebel underground team to help stop the evil guys from destroying the planet it’s a lot better than that but that pretty much sums it up you meet more characters along you’re journey and get to fight maybe the coolest bad guy in the history of gaming Sephiroth. The fights are made even more interesting by the use of limit breaks with are special attacks or each person they are cool and they upgrade the stronger you get so for any one that has not played with this game go out and buy it even with all the cool looking games out there sometimes its nice to go back to old school gaming.
Final Fantasy VII is called the greatest Final Fantasy game and one of the best in the world. I completely agree. This game's story, graphics (for its time), gameplay and sound are some of the best ever to grace a consol... Read Full Review
(This review was made September 2004 for GameFAQs but it was too long that's why it was not posted there. Thank you GameSpot for posting this review, although it is not compatible with your rating system :P ) THANK YO... Read Full Review