Looks like bad refridgerator art now, but FF7 has more nuance and depth in it's little pinky than most games today.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Just played this game for the first time.

Yes, I know. Only 13 years late to this party, but I'm dressed well, so I'll review it for people like me, who are also showing up late to this particular game.

The game is broken down into three "discs" (meaning, if like me, you purchase it through the PS store, you'll be prompted to change the "disc" by hitting your remote's PS icon, and telling it to change the "disc" from "disc 1" to "dick 2" which, ironically, are all stored on the same hard drive, but hell, I don't port games, so whatever...)

First, the gameplay and story.

The first disk, is in short, a masterpiece! It takes the game from a simple beginning, masterfully adds layers and characters at every turn, takes you around the world and back again, gives you the bad guy, his motivations, lays down origins of your character, a nice mystery behind him, and a decent love triangle, that never really goes anywhere, but creates some fantastic comic moments that keep the game fun. The battles feel worthwhile, the combat, while dated, is nice, easy to get into, and sometimes kinda challenging.

In this game's first "disc" (I understand for some of you, this game actually DOES have discs, mine doesn't, it has "discs"), it covers more ground, lays down more mysteries, creates a more compelling story, and has a genuinely more interesting story than almost any RPG I have ever played. EVER! Really...that's saying alot! I've played alot of them. It's THAT friggin good!

Then comes along "disc 2."

Let's just say, the focus, well, becomes a bit blurry here. Disc one does a great job giving you content that, piece by piece, adds a layer to the story, a character, the mystery of cloud, and the history of our antagonist, and often, one chapter will do 2 or 3 of those at once. All the while, allowing you to see another part of this delightfully crafted world.

"Disc 2", sadly, comes along, and all the ground's been covered...almost. Love triangle resolved, maps become less linear, mystery around Cloud still there, so that's good, but the game really loses it's sharp focus, and begins to meander. There are some reasons for this. Most everything plot-wise has been revealed. The world map, mostly, has been covered. So, in short, "disc 2" does little to move the narrative forward in any significant way.

But, it does pick up toward the end...after the Cloud mystery reveal...the focus returns, and the objective becomes clear again...and all the sudden, it plays like disc 1 again. Blazing around, saving lives and towns, takin on the bad guys, but with a renewed focus.

"Disc 3" is simply resolution...and it does it's job well.

The biggest problem with this game, was it's own greatness in my opinion. The first half, is arguably, the best first half of any game in it's genre. Especially now, when RPG's (minus Mass Effect 2) seem to take FOREVER to get into it, FF7 has you from the word go. Introduces characters for the right reasons, exactly at the correct time in the story. The game just FEELS important, and it doesn't lose that feeling.

The "disc 2" comes, and the focus is gone for a while. And, while that matches the narrative of the main character...it doesn't do much to make you give a **** during that time...except to "trod along" and grind through this rough stage, hoping the game will find it's former self again.

Thankfully, it does.

Graphically, by today's standards, the game looks like a refridgerator drawing your kid did left handed, but even so, it STILL conveys a very easy to relate to world around you. It feels dark when it needs to, and hopeful when it needs to. And, that's the point, I suppose.

But, story wise (even in lue of my complaints about it's awkward adolescent phase) has more nuance and depth in it's pinky than most games made today. The characters, every single one, have distinct motivations, the story is QUITE large, and the mysteries that unfold are amazing.

This game, for anyone who plays it, is a benchmark all game companies should use for how good their RPG's should be.