
User Rating: 9.7 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Though, this game is 8 years old now, it is still an unbeliveble adventure. Although the graphics look bad today, it still is great, because it is without doubt the best looking game in my PS library.
If you are a gamer, who only needs good graphics ( = stupid and unexpirienced) then you wont find anything that you might be interested in, because this games engine is 8-9 years old. The real strength of FF7 or any other FF game is the story mode is the amazing story, that just wont let go of you untill you finish the game.
I first began playing it less then a mounth ago, after seeing "advent children". I watched it for about 5 minues, and realised, that I do not follow the plot, and do not understand anything. So I stoped watching it, picked up FF7, and now I feel addicted to it. I only regret not playing it back in the days ( I actually thought, that the series sucked (although I did haven't played any FF =]))
Even now on the eve of 2006 FF7 is one of my favorite games.
in my oppinion, t is only second to Resident Evil 4, and my all time favourite - "Final Fantasy X"
P.S. Cloud and Sephiroth are the best video game charecters ever!!!!!!!!!!!