Final Fantasy 7: 10 out of 10 (Big Suprise)

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Ok because i promised more reviews, here is my review of Final Fantasy VII. This review kind of scares me a little because many RPG fans and many non RPG fans consider this to be one of the best games of all time, and while i don't disagree i might not really agree either. Anyway with that being said:

Graphics: FF7 was one of the first games to use multiple discs on the playstation (at least if memory serves me correctly) and with these discs, squaresoft crammed as many high quaility CG videos in the game as they possibly could. While the game on a whole is beautiful, any close up on any character is less then eye pleasing, in fact many of the close ups remind me of the Wii's new Miis which are supposed to look blocky and funny. Still Graphics get a 2 out of 2 for looking good even after nearly 10 years.

Sound: While FF7's music IS catchy and memorable some of the sound effects are those which are present in many of the FF games, ie the battle ending theme. However, the music does it's job and fits into the game very well. If you heard the music without the game you would more then like be able to identify it. and while You probably won't be turning the sound off, you might listen to something else by the game's third disc. 2 out of 2 for music.

Gameplay: Final Fantasy 7 is a nice solid addition to the final fantasy series and while it only brings a couple new features to the series, it perfects what already exists. The most notable feature is the games magic system which lets you customize which characters can use what abilities and spells. The game also offers players a number of different ways to travel on the world map including, a buggy, the popular chocobo, and the famous final fantasy airship. For a near perfect exacution of the standard RPG battle system and menu system FF7 gets a 2 out of 2 for gameplay.

Storyline: Final Fantasy is famous for its epic storys, and final fantasy is no let down. As you start the game you join a rebel group to fight off the evil Shinra company who is litterally sucking the life out of the planet. As the game progresses you find the world faces a bigger threat then the Shinra Company and it's up to you and your mottly crew to protect the planet. Because of the sheer magnatude of the storyline Final fantasy 7 gets a 2 out of 2 for storyline.

Misc.: Final Fantasy 7 has no lack of minigames and replayablitiy, in fact part of the games charm is it's Golden Saucer which houses all of the games minigames in one niffty little package. The games also has Chocobo breeding, Motorcycle fighting, snowboarding, Submarine battles, Battle Tournaments, Hidden locations, monsters that are bigger and badder then the end boss (Weapon) and tons of easter eggs. It's almost enough to be annoying. But the game actually rewards players with the patients to complete many of it's many minigames very very well. 2 out of 2 for Misc.

Overall: I do believe Final Fantasy is as close to perfect as any game can get. After 10 years to still looks great and with a tech demo tease of a remake for the PS3 this game can only get better (hopefully). 10 out of 10 overall (big suprise)