Whats to say about what is probably the best Playstation Game ever made?

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VII PS
All who have played The Final Fantasy series will know that they are all instant classics, why? I'll tell you But first lets review this beauty:

Gameplay: 10/10
The game is like turnbased, you have time to choose what you want your characters to do, not like in the later games where you needed to be quick because the time kept going on. This game is so addictive you cant give gameplay less than 10, why? The story for example is like all stories of FF: ITS AMAZING! You have interesting characters, great combat, cool story, what more do you want?

Graphics 10/10
I wont judge the graphics hard because its on PS1, but for its time the graphics wore really good, well detailed, nice combat moves, good stuff. he animations wore not always that good but hey who cares :)

Sound 10/10
I'll be short about this: The sound is great as always.

Conclusion 10/10
Ok then here is my advice:
1: If you own it play it again it will amaze you over and over
2: If you dont own it...Then why are you still sitting here, get your hands on a copy and play it DAMMIT
If you are a real gamer you need to play this, it's mandatory, just like Diablo is. Period.