A true legend among RPG fans. This game defines an RPG and make a perfect download for the PSP.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Cloud, an icon among RPG fans makes his appearance in this beautiful gem of the gaming industry. Cloud is a smart-alec, intelligent, strong character with a mysterious past. He is a great main character and I feel this game should of revealed more about him. I think its crisis core where you learn most about him and his history. Not to mention the almost more likable Zack. You get a real knowing of Sephiroth too. Its not like is some uber villain. He is really a troubled real admirable guy before his little freak out ( as seen in crisis core) but any ways back to the main game. Its story and characters are unforgettable, the music is charming and stunning, the camera in battle moves around fluidly and spectacularly, and finally this games humor is very funny. I mean who can forget Cloud dressing as a woman and moments later threatening a crime lord that he would chop off his private part. Classic. Some major things stand out as stunning such as the amazing conversations between characters. You get a choice in most conversations in what to say. It seems at times the story wont differ the slightest bit because of the choice you made. I would of course love to see major player decisions. The materia system works very well even though it may appear confusing at first. I cant really spot much issues in this game. If I could correct anything I would maybe add voice acting. I feel with such great characters you should of added voices. Honestly this game was made many years before crisis core and advent children and when making this game, the character developers obviously gave each and every character a past and unique personality and I feel not giving them a voice is just careless. Obviously , there is a chance square-enix might have more plans for the FF7 universe and I feel now is the time to jump on board and play the original. I completely recommended this game to any RPG fan and any lover of a great story. Thanks for reading.