Although many say this game is extremely good, it has many flaws that detract from the gameplay experience...

User Rating: 7.7 | Final Fantasy VII PS
..such as its annoying music. Not to insult any fans here, but the music gets on your nerves after about... 2 minutes.

The game is easy, and I breezed through it, with quite a lot of playing time. Don't get me wrong, I loved this game. It is just not nearly as good as everyone says it was.

I spent so much time on this game, it's amazing. The "grind," as they say in MMORPGs, was long. I spent quite a while getting my character level up. Also, you, the player, spend far too much time in fairly pointless story events.

Some of the story events were actually pretty good, like the final escape from Midgar after the battle with Rufus... and the blood dripping through the halls was a nice touch, while not actually making the game gory.

The learning curve was longer than most games, having to learn all about limit breaks, and the ATB (unless you've already played an ATB game-- but don't worry, that doesn't count against the game at all).

The graphics were good for their time, but nothing spectacular. I must say, however, that this game still is very close to my heart. It was my first Final Fantasy game, and still my favorite, but it just doesn't compare to games like Baldur's gate.