From the very moment you start playing this game, you will know that its something special. Everything that Sqauresoft have done to this game, they have done right. I find it impossible to pick fault with it. Graphics The visuals on this game are good. From the highly detailed pre rendered backgrounds, to the wonderful FMV cinematics, that are very well done. The graphics on this game may be good, but they are by no means, the best part of the game. Gameplay This is the best part of FInal Fantasy 7. The whole feel of the game is just perfect and unrivaled by anything else. The menu system that you will find yourself using, alot, is very simple to navigate and you soon get the hang of managing your characters items and weapons. Whilst roaming around the world map you will "unlock" new areas of the map as you progress through the game, for example, there my be mountains and a river which stop you from exploring anywhere other than the area you are in, once you progress through a certain part of the story you will be given a car, or an airship for example. The storyline follows Cloud and his quest to stop Sephiroth from destroying the world. Cloud is accompanied by a few friends, and enemies who become friends, but I dont want to spoil the story for you. Sound The music on this game is just fantastic. From the main title music, to the music on the world map, every single song is just brilliant. You will often find yourself singing along to the music. I'd even suggest going out and buying the soundtrack. Value Go buy this game now. Its a classic, definatly the best RPG ever, and in my opinion, the best of all genres. Im gonna stop reviewing this now, because if I mentioned everything I like about this game, i'll be here forever.
Final Fantasy VII is called the greatest Final Fantasy game and one of the best in the world. I completely agree. This game's story, graphics (for its time), gameplay and sound are some of the best ever to grace a consol... Read Full Review
(This review was made September 2004 for GameFAQs but it was too long that's why it was not posted there. Thank you GameSpot for posting this review, although it is not compatible with your rating system :P ) THANK YO... Read Full Review