Final Fantasy 7, is the game that introduced amazing rpg elements that are still great to this day..
User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy VII PS
I remember the first time i played FF7, with no strategy guide at hand i didn't know what to expect from this game. This of course made it a more wonderful experience to play the game. The game is about an "Ex-Soldier" named Cloud, who starts off the game being hired by an underground group named "Avalance" who's main purpose is to stop the evil corporation "Shinra" from draining the planet of all its life in order to power and manufacture there idea of an idealistic city. Aside from this, the story goes much deeper as cloud must face one of Shinras' greatest soldiers, Sephiroth, who's intent is much darker than that of shinras'. I've played this game many times and find this game amazing still. The summons are eye catching, the magic is brilliant, and the enemies are challenging (emerald weapon..ruby weapon..i'm looking at you). The materia system, though a bit confusing at first, is pretty cool. I really loved the fact that I could keep reproducing materia, but it is at a slow rate, which is fair for both you and the game. The game spans from 3 discs, making life of the game over 100 hours! If you're barely beginning to play rpg's please don't miss this game, and i know hardcore gamers play this game. I don't mind visiting the FF7 world for a 5th time....i enjoy every minute of it.