You'll fall in love with this game. No joke.

User Rating: 9.4 | Final Fantasy VII PS
This is arguably the greatest RPG of all time. And you know what? It is. No other game, or any other final fantasy utilizes so many amazing features and gameplay. (Battle) Game play- Basically, all charecters have a bar that shows the amount of time before they can take action. (You can try and run away at almost any time) You also have a limit break bar, which charges extremely slowly, and not by time. Anyway, once you are able to take action, you have a variety of choices for each and every charecter. Normal slashing, shooting, punching ETC. Then there's the beloved FF magic which includes the elemental spells and such, stat boosting and such, and summons. I could ramble on about so much more of this, but it's better explained when you play it ;) Graphics - Well, normally you're in a pretty detailed world, but all the characters and items are blocky. During battle the graphics improve dramatically, and during special cut scenes it's amazing. There's a wide variety of graphics in this game, but the blockish feel at times can almost get annoying.

Sound - Oh, here it comes. The amazing music of Final fantasy 7. If you haven't heard of it, it's worth getting the game just to hear some of the music. It always fits the feel, and changes perfectly at any time. There is no voice acting, but it's made up in the effect sounds. Sword slashes, guns, braking, power surge ETC. All have souns.Truly amazing.

All in all - This is an amazing game, and a legendary RPG. If you've spent the time reading this message, you're wasting time. GO GET IT NAO!