A game that can never be replaced. Graphics are okay, music is catchy, characters are awesome, and a phenonimal story...
Gameplay – Now the gameplay, in my opinion, is the best out of all of the Final Fantasy’s. The battle system, is very nice, and well though out. Although, I don’t really like the fact that while there is a summon going on, you can’t prepare for your next attack. But that is just one minor thing. And it would also be nice to have a little more control over the Summons. Now on the good side, the way you control your character is really nice. It is easy to move your character, the chocobo, the vehicles, and everything else there is to move.
Sound – Okay, now the sound is fantastic. Every single song is really catchy. I would have to say the catchiest song is One Winged Angel. Now most of the actual sound, like swords hitting, or a gun firing, is okay. But some of the sounds are so horrid. But there are in fact very few of these “horrid” sounds in this game.
Story – Now this game has one of the most solid stories in the RPG universe. The whole Sephiroth being mad, and wanting to kill everyone, and destroy everything, is just priceless. Sephiroth just wanted to find the meaning in life. To bad it had to do with destroying the planet. But the most disappointing thing in this story would have to all of the dead ends in the character backgrounds. Like Clouds for example, I would have really loved it if they put more in this game that dealt with his past.
Overall – Okay, overall I give this game a 9.7/10. The reason I took a few points off is because of the graphics. The graphics really do leave a lot to be desired. But what do you expect from an old PlayStation game? The graphics weren’t the worsed, but they just didn’t cut it. But other than that pretty much everything else with the game was just fine.
I hope this helped you decide whether or not you’re going to get this game. Or maybe you just felt like reading someone else’s opinion on the game. But I hope this helped for whatever reason you read it.