12 years later... Still the best game ever made.
I played this game in 1998. i swear i couldnt stop playing it. Everything i want today is this type of game, but its impossible to find.
This is still the best game ever made.
And is no joke. Graphics for the time were the top. Imagine the sound, that i still listen to the soundtrack. Amazing!
Gameplay... Perfect! I dont understand why a system like this one does not apper yet. Materias is the best system ever....
Characeters are AWESOME TOO. Best hero and best Enemy ever.
Sory im drunk right now, but i swear this game is the best ever made till now... 12 years later.
i cant find something alike... this is too much... The only game i rated 10.... Because it deserves it!!!!
If youre a kid, and playstation is too old for you, give it a try.