Excellent RPG and an evolution of the genre!
The graphics, which is a combination of static background images and polygons doesn't really hold up like it should by today's standard. Some of the backgrounds looks washed-up and the Polygons are on the low-count for certain things. If you think i'm a fool just look at the graphics for Xenogears! ;)
The music is a different story. This game has a lot of awesome and memorable tracks. I just wished Sony would of used the CD format and given us voice-overs... oh well.
The thing that makes this game so awesome (back then and even now) is the great (if somewhat convoluted) story and memorable cast. The battle system and weapon system was a step in the right direction. Acquiring gems that you could put on equipment for different effect/spells is pure genius.The locations are varied and offers up a quest of modest length (you can easily beat this under 30 hrs if you don't plan on doing everything). This game is somewhat easy if you take the time to explore and level up properly but that's not really a complaint.
If you love RPGs, then you already played this game and already have an opinion of it, making this review and the thousands of other ones on this site useless. ;)