A classic role-playing genre that sets a benchmark for future RPGs of the Playstation. Definitely a classic.
Being the first 3D Final Fantasy game, it brought about much excitement and unsurpassed entertainment value for fellow fans and paved the way for future FF games alike. However, by today's standards, its extremely blocky features may put you off if it's the first time you're trying it out, but don't fret yet. Look past the graphics and you're finding yourself in an immersibly fun role-playing adventure.
The 9 playable characters are all very interesting with unique back-stories. Their skills and abilities differ much which creates a high replay value. You could spend more than a hundred hours on it if you are the kind that likes to unlock everything the game has to offer. A guidebook is definitely needed for the unusually tricky quests, like getting the Knights of the Round summon. Play it while it's still available now, cos the later series though look better, pale in content by comparison .