Ten years later: it still shines.
The graphics, for their time were outstanding. Of course if you look at screen shots you may think I'm joking, but in all seriousness: I'm not. This was an age where 3D graphics were at their start. What you get is the basic sprites that were used in the older FF games and most other RPG's for the SNES, brought into 3D. Which for it's time, was a great step.
The battle scenes, even look good today, and they were excellent at the time of the release. The FMV's still look amazing today, and FFVII was one of the first RPG's to use FMV's. Also the game uses different camera angles in certain shots. This gives the game a bit more of a cinematic feel.
The pre-rendered backgrounds were also very well detailed and even rival some later PS1 games, with their detail. They were truly modeled to fit the atmosphere, very well. If the game was done in all real-time it would be bad. The pre-rendered backgrounds gave it life.
The sound, while not their best work is good. The sound effects work and the music fits very well. There is no voice acting, but seeing as how the quality of voice acting wasn't even all that great until the PS2 era, that's probably a good thing. Yet other games in the FFVII universe can give you voice acting, which would work if this game was ever remade. Yet the sound works good for what you get.
The game play. The game is fun. It uses the ATB system that FFIV used. Yet it brings it to a new level. The combat is fast paced with the ATB meter. The materia system gives a great customization aspect. It allows you to play the game how you want with magic. You can make Barret a red mage, or make them all magically balanced. It's up to you. Yet there are factors that make having everyone use the same materia not the smartest thing. The game has tons of loaded content, including two power house secret bosses. If you rush though, you can beat the game in about 25 hours, yet doing everything can increase the play time. Also there is a bit of replay value to it as well, which is rare in a linear RPG. The game has a just right challenge. Meaning if you level grind, expect it to be rather easy. Yet just going through it, can provide a decent challenge.
The story is amazing. It tells the story of Cloud and a resistance group against the corrupt Shinra corporation. An Orwell stylized corporation that holds the world, and is draining the life-force for their own gains. Then it becomes a journey to stop a man, who is tormented, yet obviously has a twisted agenda to destroy everything.
The story does have many plot twists, and has great character devolopment. The way the story unfolds is unforgettable and one of the best plots in a video game. While calling it the best story ever, is probably false, it defintly remains to be very interesting, and has many twists and turns that probably will make the player want to revisit it.
While the story is great on it's own right the characters make it just that much better. The cast are very interesting and rather diverse. The lead character Cloud, does start out as very cocky and in a way somewhat annoying, the character development he gets is simply astounding. Yet with all the great characters you play, you get to see some of the most interesting antagonists, including the critically acclaimed, much praised villain of the game, Sephiroth.
While he may not have the success rate of Lavos or Kefka, he is defintly a compelling villain. He has a very tragic back story, and has a lot going for him. He is an elitist, and at times, is just plain cool. His motives are within reason, and his depth is great. He is a villain with a great back story and reasons for his actions. Yet he also does things to make the player want to take him out. It even shows that a villain doesn't have to be successful to remain a great villain. He has that certain psyche about him, that keeps the player interested. It's why he's one of the most popular villains of all time. At the time, Sephiroth was a very original take on the villain approach.
All and all Final Fantasy VII is an excellent game. While some graphical issues today and a few translation errors remain this game from being perfect, it is still an amazing experience. If you can find it, I'd pick it up. I bought it for 75$ off of ebay, after I lost my first copy, and I think it was worth it. So if you find it for a price range that is good for you, then pick it up by all means. If you cannot afford it, hope for a port or a remake which seems inevitable.
All and all, Final Fantasy VII is an experience, even if you do not like RPG's you owe it to play it.