If you have ever wanted to experience a game in the Final Fantasy world, this is the game for you. this is the best of t

User Rating: 9.6 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Released in 1997 Final fantasy VII is one of the most influential games that has ever appeared in Sonys Playstation. As a Role-Playing game. FFVII is one of the best that there is on the Playstation.In the game, you play as cloud strife, an Ex-Soilder who joined a group known as Avalanch, as the story continues you learn about clouds past, and who he really is and also who hes after. As for the rest of the game is just revolutionary. the gameplay is very different. As a RPG, the combat system is time based, basically, you have a meter, and as it fills up, that will show when you will be able to attack. The attacks also work very well also. you have your regular attacks and magic spells like fire water blizzard earthquake, etc. but a new system is the materia system. which has all of your magic and will let you summen different aeons. the aeons in this game look beautiful and with the power of the playstation, it looked amazing for its time. the graphics look amazing for a Playstation game and trully shows the power of what the playstation can do. never will you see a game like this one that looks good. the character models do look blocky when you play the game, but when you see the characters in the cinematics, then they look the best that they can be. the sound is just amazing, the composer nobuo uyimatue does an exellent job as the music deserves a perfect 10 because it is so good and so memerable. the battle song also deserves credit becaues it sounds so good and it can make you feel good, especially when you win a fight. in the end, Final Fantasy VII can last you a life time, and it is one of the best games that you will ever play on the Playstation. with that said, go out and buy it.