FF7 is the one!

User Rating: 9.8 | Final Fantasy VII PC
You know the feeling, when you are playing this game, you know that you feel it, that there is a story for eachone in it ... and that it is about everything ...

Final Fantasy VII is my most favorite game ever, it is square game, it is the best best-plottted glued-together-nicely RPG, it has intense deep emotions, this is not a spolier anymore, but you will drop a tear for Aeris (Aerith) ...

Square has made a leap of faith from FF6 to FF7, they changed the FF series look like, they grew up so much in it ... Then came 8 which was nice, but not amazing, i enjoyed 8 but it just got depressed of its continous darkness and seriousness ... FF7 has so many minigames in it, deep characters that you can connect to and it has a powerful feeling.

I do not think anyone who has ever played FF7 would leave it behind him as he progresses thru the new RPGs ... we all enjoyed FFX, but still it was not the one that Square turned into a smash hit movie!

Great thing that FF7 is being kept alive as FAR as anyone can ...
maybe one day we can enjoy it again, on next gen.
