i tried it from a friend, i could only buy it ASAP!

User Rating: 9.7 | Final Fantasy VII PS
first time i saw it i was a young rookie in the videogames world. i had a crappy pc with only doom and wolfenstein on it, an old NES (i have to say i respect NES and SNES higly, because some of the greatest games of all times, and some are enjoyable even now!) and a brand new playstation.
this friend of mine made me try it and i, at first, was surprised. i knew it only by fame, i did know many people loved it, but i didn't know anything about it. 'till that time the only rpgs i had ever played were the zeldas.

it amazed me. i think i must have played something like forty hours in a week or less. the story is some real something and the narration is real unusual. the characters are... real! when you discover the truth on barret, or on nanaki(redXII) or on cloud... they act and react like real people, and every single character is amazingly charming. who has never seen cloud or barret? in particular in this period? who has played the game, and hasn't smiled reading the discussions of cloud, cid and barret? i personally believe cid is my favorite character. who hasn't felt at least real bad for red and the story of his father...? and who can refuse to admit how intriguing was vincent. it's easy to see something of him in these days, from his new game, to devil may cry (dante is a half demon, vincent a half vampire, d. fights against his own kind, v. against his association, they dress alike and in the same colors, they both like guns...).

a special mention about sephiroth, the greatest bad guy ever appeared on a game. you really be scared of fight in a one vs one, cloud vs sephiroth, and i assure you he's a great bad guy, in my opinion the best bad guy ever.

so it is innegable that ffvii has been important. was it a good game?
it is a amazingly, umbelievable good game. no kidding.
the music is just perfect for the game. every place and every situation have a music just perfect, so perfect you wouldn't believe it wasn't made for this game.
the graphich is a strange topic. i don't think it is really important in this kind of games, but a good graphich is almost never bad.
the backgrounds are perfect drawings of another world. and in battles you can admire special effectes, and the characters as they would be with better graph. during the game , at the beginning it is annoing to see the characters made out by a few squares. but i assure you after an half an hour you'll completly forget about it.

as for the gameplay, easy, as all the games of ff, but of certain impact, and allows you to do all the craziest stuff in the world. as for all the latest ffs, you'll need the tutorial, but don't worrie, it is pretty easy.

the game offers you a real bunch of hours of fun, between gold chocobos, final weapons, and mortal, giant, kickass "weapon"

talking of playng it, i can say only one thing: have fun!