Final Fantasy VIII if given a chance could be every bit as enjoyable as Final Fantasy VII.
Gameplay- This is a turn-based game which uses a time bar that signifies your turn. The level up system in this game is known as the junction system. If you understand the junction system you will have no problem with this game. On the other hand if you don't its better to just ask for help with understanding it because the game might be too hard. The enemies in this game level up as you do so its actually better to keep a lower level and junction well.So based on weather you understand the junction system this game is either too easy or too hard which is a miner flaw.
Graphics- The graphics in this game are very well for their time. Also the graphics in this game are more constant between the in-game and CG cutscenes than Final Fantasy VIIs. The character designs are also more realistic.
Audio- The audio in this was very well done and made for a very appropriate atmosphere for whatever part of the game you're in. While not as good as the music in the NES games the music in this game is very well done.
Story- The theme of the game is love and it is played out well through out the game. In the game you play as Squall who starts off as an antisocial and cold loner but overtime he becomes a much more kind and caring person. Squall at the very beginning becomes a Seed, a mercenary, and meets his future love. The game starts off fairly simple with a couple of hired missions but soon turns into a fight to save the planet from an evil sorceress.
Another part to the story of this game is that you play as Laguna, an ex-soldier and journalist. Overtime his story becomes intertwined with Squall's.
Now not to give away any major spoilers I will say that the overall plot is just as epic (maybe a little less if you want to be picky) as Final Fantasy VII's.
However the characters in this game are far more interesting and believable.
With its awesome story, graphics and audio this is a Final Fantasy you must play, weather you think you'll like VII or X better or not. This is personally my favorite Final Fantasy and game (note that in other reviews my brothers said differently, thats not me).
I hope you find this review useful.