Final fantasy VIII has the most gripping storyline that I have ever encountered. It will leave you begging for more.
User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
This is simply an incredibly good game. The beautiful graphical features bring about a startling reality to this game that will leave you playing until all of your questions you have for this are answered..... it is that compelling. The game features a cast of many characters that go great with the overall storyline. After FF7, I guess there had to be another huge success in the making and this satisfys all expectations. The gameplay has a bit of time needed for people who don't play these kind of RPGS. For others, you'll pickup on the game's excellent combat and gameplay system without much hassle. The sound and music are really good, and the sound effects are realistc in not a perfect, but superb manner. The HUGE myriad of beasts,monsters,fantasy world animals, and even guardian Forces (GFs) are what you will fight and sometimes befriend in this game. It has a lot to collect besides training your characters to become very powerful and skilled in terms of weapondry and combat,to magic and item use. you may also follow many fun and interesting side quests that may not always partain to the story, but may offer sometimes a chance to join with another GF for battle and other important resourse, or to fight legendary monsters that will present a lot of challenge to you. In the end, FF8 is a game that really has one of the most gripping storylines of its kind. It will leave you wanting more.