This game will have you in front of the t.v for hours with a detailed and intriguing storyline, you can't miss it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
A huge step in the RPG games in this system, making whoever picks up the game, automatically stay in front of the controller for hours.

The game basically revolves around the main character Squall (at the beginning of the name you could give him whatever name pleases your buttocks), a loner that is har headed at times and at the beginning, doesn't really care much about others. There are other characters including Rinoa, Seifer, Edea, and Zell, just to name a few, that are very complex, just like actual people. Unlike all the others in the series before FFVII, this one has detailed characters that had complex personalities (like the original gamespot review mentioned) You actually grow some emotional attachment to each of the characters. Don't get me wrong, after playing for hours on the previous games, you eventually start to like the main characters but they didn't have any depth.

There are many magic spells that may or may not benefit you in the battles, along with GF (guardian forces) that help you A LOT! You can teach them different junctions that allow you to personalize them along with special attacks that each character has when their HP is low.

The videos in the game are breathtaking, and although there is no audio during them, they are still pretty awesome. They usually involve interactions between characters or when they are first presented.

The storyline is complex and revolves around love and war and the game will surprise you here and there with a couple of twists.

Overall, this game is one of the best of the series and no one should miss it.