Hey, eye's on me!
Battle system
How it's in 7's shadow
Everyone is able to be an uber delinquent badass with the junction system. Instead of materia, you equip summons named GF. Magic is also used as a stat booster, just more limited as one than GF's. The story is now a more modern one with lost ruins taking a side role. But there's still a love story. Between our hero Squall and heroine Rinoa. No princess or that stuff here. Others include Zell, the chicken-wuss, Selphie, overzealous happy-go-lucky little girl, Quistis, confused instructor, Seifer, friend turned foe, and Irvine, lucky sniper.
Bad, well it speaks for itself don't it? FF7 is not Nelson Mandela. 8 is now & forever Barack Obama